So after a long long long wait, we’re back to this blog, just to tell how fast and how easy it was to end this Project.
After like a month of doing nothing (actually working for
other projects), we got back to work on Tuesday. My teammates commenced doing research on java sockets, and using the code provided by the Programming teacher
Ariel Ortiz, which involved the use of a single java socket for both
client and
server for clojure, using an
agent to control concurrency, Martha was able to implement a code that copied the database from the server to the client, so the client would always have the most up-to-date version. On Wednesday, Karen began to work with that code, and tried to implement the code that would make updating, creating and deleting possible in a distributed way, but she realized that it would be too complicated to start from scratch, and she designed the protocols for every transaction, which proved to be very useful later (for more information, see
Karen’s post)
After the protocols were designed, Martha and I checked them, and began to implement them. Thank god it was pretty easy, and we just technically followed by the book the protocols and in a couple of hours we had already implemented the easiest ones. The next day, in a free hour and half before our class, we had already implemented all of them, and almost all of them were working, except for the update protocol. Today, we met in my house, and we’ve made everything work, in a local and distributed way. (for more information see
Martha’s post).
It’s pretty interesting for me how much we have learned with this project: a whole new language, and so much more about java’s API and its internal logic. I’m happy to know that our big effort to make good code for the first delivery paid off, and we were able to finish the project in no more than 4 days.
It seems like we’re done now =), we’re happy like hell, and we’ll just ask for some help to make the jar work on Monday and we’ll be absolutely done. If you’re visiting this blog, please don’t forget to vote! See you in our next (and hopefully last) entry.